SUMMARY: The group that I was working with for the SouthCoast Energy Challenge was the Rewards Group. Our objective was to develop a rewards program that would incentivize customers to take the Challenge to go green. We knew from the start that this would be a difficult task. Mercy explained to us that in the past they have tried to create Rewards Programs but continuously failed because they were mostly relying on partnered companies. Their plan for us was to create our own rewards program not linked to any other companies using as little money as possible.
REASON: The SouthCoast Energy Challenge is trying to create a rewards program to get more people to go green and take the challenge. For customers who already took the challenge, we wanted to give them incentive to come back and take further actions. We planned to ask local businesses for coupons and or discounts that we would be able to give out to customers who took the challenge. The rewards program is both beneficial to the people who take the challenge and the companies who sponsor it. The rewards program is a way for the SouthCoast Energy Challenge to give back to the people who actually took time out of their day to take the challenge and go green.
PURPOSE: The purpose of the rewards program is for when people do take the challenge they have something to give back to them. Although in the long run, when they take the challenge, they will be saving money by using energy efficient products, the rewards program will give them a quick incentive to come back for more. Everyone likes “free” products, coupons and discounts, so if they know they can take the challenge and get one of those in return they most likely will be more willing to take the challenge. Then they find out that the added bonus is saving overall money throughout the year. The rewards program purpose is to get people to come back and take further steps towards going greener in their house. The purpose of us to take on the difficult task of creating a rewards program was for us gain real life experience of working for a company. I feel that this project was to show us that working in a company setting is a lot different than in school. There isn't a lot of right and wrong answers and sometimes you have to try something multiple times to get it right. Also I feel that this project wanted to show us that communication is a huge issue in the business world. Building a rewards program gave me a lot of experience with working for a business although we didn't complete the project the way we wished it was completed.
DIRECTION: While trying to create a rewards program that we think would be successful over many years, we had many different ideas. At first we considered giving little green flags to every customer who took the challenge with the SouthCoast Energy Challenge logo on them to put on their lawn. We thought that this would help catch peoples attention and have them wonder ‘what are those’ and ‘how can I get one’. We quickly realized that our idea would be more of a long-term project and since we only had a half of a semester, we decided to take the rewards program in a different direction. We then decided to go to local businesses and ask them if they were willing to give us coupons and or discounts for people who singed up for the program. We thought that this was a simpler task and more realistic in the short time period that we had.
EXPERIENCES: Overall, I thought that this project was a great real life experience. I realized that things are much more difficult in real life then in a school setting. Throughout this project, I had a lot of trouble getting in touch with Mercy. Each time I emailed her it would take her at least a month to respond back. We couldn’t go to different companies or do much else without her agreeing to what we plan to do. The companies that we did go to said that we didn’t have enough information to give to them. This was part Mercy’s fault also because she was supposed to email us a letter of what the SouthCoast energy challenge was about so we could give it to the companies to explain what our incentive was. At times I would get frustrated because it was hard for our group to move forward without hearing from her. Although we ran out of time and could not completely finish the project, I feel that if Mercy keeps implementing the steps that we planned, the rewards program would eventually be successful.